Thursday, August 10, 2023

Standing at the Edge of Faith: The Crucified Life

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash


I happened across A.W. Tozer's book, "The Crucified Life," about living out a deeper Christian experience, and it turned out to be a profound revelation. Tozer boldly challenges us to embrace the Crucified Life, where we wholeheartedly surrender ourselves to God and come to know Him in a way, we never thought possible. The Crucified Life is not easy, as it requires personal cost, sacrifice, and a willingness to let go of our own desires. But the rewards of knowing God intimately and experiencing His power and presence far outweigh any temporary discomfort.

Tozer emphasizes the importance of cultivating a Christian life that goes beyond mere religious practices and rituals. He calls us to move beyond surface-level faith and embrace a genuine, authentic relationship with God. This means actively seeking to know Him, to understand His character and His ways, and surrendering our will to His. The cultivation of a Christian mind is crucial in this journey, as it enables us to discern between futile thinking and thoughts that align with God's truth.

In "The Crucified Life," Tozer highlights the three different aspects of human nature: the natural man, the spiritual man, and the carnal man. The natural man refers to our existence solely in the physical realm, characterized by self-centeredness and the pursuit of worldly desires. The spiritual man, on the other hand, is one who has surrendered to God and allows His Spirit to guide their thoughts and actions. Lastly, the carnal man is a believer who has not fully embraced the Crucified Life, resulting in spiritual failures and a constant struggle between their old nature and the new life in Christ.

Tozer challenges us to examine our own lives and identify areas where we may be resisting the Crucified Life. He encourages us to lay down our own ambitions, plans, and desires, and surrender them to God. Only then can we truly experience the transformative power of God at work in our lives. It is in the crucible of surrender and self-denial that our faith is refined and strengthened, enabling us to walk in greater intimacy with God and a deeper understanding of His purposes for us.

"The Crucified Life" is a wake-up call for all who desire to live a life that truly reflects the love and power of Jesus Christ. It challenges us to embrace the personal cost of following Christ, to cultivate a mind saturated in God's truth, and to surrender our lives fully to Him. Through its bold message, this book serves as a reminder that the Crucified Life is not an optional add-on to our faith, but rather the very heart of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Deny Self and Take up Thy Cross

Jesus Christ taught that for one to come unto Him, one must deny themselves and take up their cross. This powerful statement challenges us to abandon our own desires and priorities in order to fully commit ourselves to following Him. Denying oneself requires a boldness and determination to let go of the things that hold us back from experiencing true faith. It means forsaking all things that hinder our spiritual growth and putting our trust in God alone. It is an act of surrender and an affirmation that we are willing to lay down our own lives for the sake of Christ.

Taking up our cross is not just a symbolic gesture, but a call to action. It is a reminder that the Christian life is not one of comfort and ease, but one of sacrifice and perseverance. Just as Jesus carried His cross to Golgotha, we are called to embrace the challenges and difficulties that come our way as we live out our faith. It requires courage to face the trials and tribulations that may arise, knowing that in doing so, we are sharing in the sufferings of Christ.

Baptism, as taught by Jesus, is the means by which we receive remission of sins and enter into a covenantal relationship with God. It is a sign of our desire to live a crucified life, to die to our old selves and be raised to newness of life in Christ. Through baptism, we publicly declare our commitment to deny ourselves and take up our cross in imitation of Jesus. It is a bold proclamation of our faith and a pledge to walk the path that leads to everlasting life.

The crucified life is not an easy path to take, but it is one that leads to true freedom and fulfillment. It is a life that challenges us to put aside our own ambitions and desires in order to serve God and others wholeheartedly. It requires us to trust in God's provision and guidance, even when the way seems difficult or uncertain. It is a life marked by selflessness, love, and a relentless pursuit of righteousness.

Standing at the edge of faith, ready to embark on the crucified life, requires boldness and a firm resolve. It is a courageous step into the unknown, trusting that God will provide the strength and grace needed to face whatever comes our way. As we deny ourselves, take up our cross, forsake all things, and embrace baptism as a covenantal sign of a crucified life, we can be confident that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus, following His example and experiencing the abundant life He promised to those who choose to believe.

Apostle Paul on the Crucified Life

The Apostle Paul spoke specifically on what it means to live a crucified life. In his letter to the Romans, Paul discusses the significance of baptism in identifying with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He teaches that through baptism, we are united with Christ in his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Just as Jesus endured the cross, Paul emphasizes that we too must die to sin and be raised to newness of life.

Paul goes on to highlight that as believers, we are no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness. He urges us to offer ourselves as instruments of righteousness rather than allowing sin to reign in our lives. The crucified life calls us to a radical transformation, where our old self is crucified with Christ, and we are made new in him.

Living a crucified life requires us to fight the good fight. We are engaged in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness, and we must stand firm in our faith. Paul encourages us to put on the armor of God, equipping ourselves with truth, righteousness, faith, and the word of God. With this armor, we can withstand the attacks of the enemy and live victoriously.

Furthermore, Paul exhorts us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. This does not mean that we have to earn our salvation through our own efforts, for it is a free gift of God's grace. Rather, it means that we are to actively pursue a life that is in alignment with the will of God, knowing that our salvation is not to be taken lightly. We are called to follow Jesus and allow his crucifixion to impact every aspect of our lives.

The crucified life is not for the faint-hearted. It is a radical and transformative way of living, where we identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul's teachings on baptism, being slaves to righteousness, fighting the good fight, and working out our salvation with fear and trembling provide a clear roadmap for embracing this crucified life. May we boldly take up our cross and follow in the footsteps of our Savior, knowing that in our weakness, his power is made perfect.

Book of Mormon Teachings on the Crucified Life

The Book of Mormon gives us profound insight into what a crucified life means for a Christian. Its teachings ignite a fire within the soul, urging us to strive for a higher state of being. To be perfected in Christ1 is not merely a distant dream, but an attainable reality. As we study and ponder the profound lessons found within its pages, we discover that a crucified life is one in which we receive his image in our countenance.

To receive the image of Christ in our countenance means to reflect his love, compassion, and grace in every aspect of our lives. It is a call to shake off the chains that bind us and embrace the transformative power of the Atonement. Through repentance and faith, we can become new creatures in Christ, shedding our old selves and embracing a life of discipleship.

The Book of Mormon teaches us that a crucified life requires us to truly awake from the dust of the ground. We are not meant to be weighed down by the burdens of sin and the distractions of the world. Instead, we are called to rise above these temporal concerns and focus our hearts and minds on eternal truths. By awakening to our divine potential and embracing our unique roles as sons and daughters of God, we can experience profound spiritual growth and find peace and fulfillment in our lives.

Though the path to a crucified life may be challenging, the Book of Mormon assures us that it is worth every effort. As we daily seek a closer relationship with our Savior, we will witness the fruits of our labors. We will find joy in the journey, strength in our weaknesses, and hope in times of adversity. The Book of Mormon reminds us that we are not alone in our pursuit of a crucified life. The Savior walks alongside us, offering his guiding hand and enabling grace.

Therefore, let us approach the teachings of the Book of Mormon with boldness and zeal. Let us allow its teachings to penetrate our hearts and minds, transforming us into disciples of Christ. May we stand at the edge of faith, ready to embrace the crucified life and become vessels of his love and light to a world in desperate need.

Modern day Teaching and Revelation

From Joseph Smith to our time today, modern day prophets and apostles have taught on what it means to live a crucified life of faith2. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasized the importance of standing at the edge of faith. He taught that true discipleship requires a willingness to sacrifice and give all for the sake of Christ. This powerful message resonates through the ages, as modern-day3 apostles and prophets continue to expound on the principles of a crucified life.

The teachings of modern-day apostles and prophets are rooted in the same principles taught by Joseph Smith456. They draw from the Doctrine and Covenants7, a unique book of scripture that contains revelations given to Joseph Smith and subsequent leaders of the Church. These revelations emphasize the need for individuals to deny themselves of worldly pursuits and follow the example of Jesus Christ. In doing so, they can become true disciples who are willing to give their lives for the cause of Christ.

Living a crucified life of faith means standing at the edge of our comfort zones and trusting in God's guidance. It means being willing to endure trials and hardships, knowing that they refine and purify our souls8. This message is not always easy to hear, but the boldness of modern-day apostles and prophets in proclaiming it is a testament to its importance.

In a world that often values self-indulgence and instant gratification, the teachings of a crucified life stand in stark contrast. They call us to rise above our own desires and seek the will of God. They remind us that true joy and fulfillment can only be found when we lose ourselves in the service of others and align our lives with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

So, as we stand at the edge of faith, let us heed the teachings of Joseph Smith and modern-day apostles and prophets. Let us embrace the call to live a crucified life of faith, denying ourselves of worldly pursuits and sacrificing all for the sake of Christ9. In doing so, we will find true happiness and eternal blessings that far surpass anything the world has to offer.

Strategies and Key Points

Here are effective strategies and key points to apply in order to live out a deeper and meaningful crucified life. Embracing the principles of a crucified life requires discipline and intentionality, but the rewards are immeasurable. One of the first spiritual disciplines associated with a crucified life is scripture study. Diving into the Word of God allows us to gain a deeper understanding of His character and His will for our lives. It is through scripture that we can learn how to align our lives with Christ's sacrificial love and selflessness.

Prayer is another essential spiritual discipline that brings us closer to living a crucified life. Through prayer, we enter into a deep connection with God, where we can pour out our hearts, seek His guidance, and surrender our will to His. It is through prayer that we humble ourselves before Him and allow Him to work in us and through us.

Furthermore, service is a vital aspect of living a crucified life. Jesus himself came not to be served, but to serve others, and as His followers, we are called to do the same. Engaging in acts of service and genuine acts of kindness allows us to imitate Christ's servant heart and pour out His love onto others.

Fellowship and community play a crucial role in living out a crucified life. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded believers who encourage and challenge us in our faith journey is essential. It is through fellowship that we can find support, accountability, and opportunities for growth.

Lastly, engaging in missionary work and seeking opportunities to share the gospel is a critical component of living a crucified life. The Great Commission mandates that we go and make disciples of all nations. By stepping out of our comfort zones and sharing the love of Christ with others, we demonstrate our willingness to lay down our lives and follow His example.

In conclusion, living a crucified life requires dedication and a deliberate pursuit of spiritual disciplines. By prioritizing scripture study, prayer, service, fellowship, and missionary work, we can stand at the edge of faith and wholeheartedly embrace the principles of a crucified life. Let us be bold in our pursuit, unashamedly embracing the call to live out a life that reflects the sacrificial love and selflessness of our Savior.