

Welcome to Latter-day Saint Apologetics.

Latter-day Saint Apologetics aims to offer thoughtful and respectful rebuttals to critiques of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The focus is on presenting well-reasoned responses to challenges and doubts regarding the faith. This approach seeks to engage with critics in a constructive manner, addressing concerns with understanding and consideration. 

Vision and Purpose

Our mission is dedicated to writing meaningful, thoughtful, and quality articles that call upon all men and women to come unto Christ and follow Him. These articles are to encourage discussions among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and those of other Christian faiths.

The vision is to deepen and enrich our understanding of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. These articles do not represent an official position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are based of the contributing writer's personal understanding of scripture and revelation.

Objectives and Approach

It is the desire to give a reasonable and fair understanding of the teachings and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. Definitely encourage thoughtful and respectful engagement in discussion, however, will not tolerate any discussions that attack, criticize, demean, or disrespect our faith, or the faith of others.

Through thoughtful dialogue, open discussion, and an honest approach, people are able to approach the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with true sincerity, humility, and an open mind.