Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Facing your Goliath on the battlefield

 "...for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands."

(See, 1 Samuel 17:45-47 in context).

NOTE TO READERS: This article is an adaptation from a previous article I had published at another blog, and a teaching given by Mormon President Thomas S. Monson. The relevance shares insights in furthering our understanding in facing the challenges in life. Whether one wants to admit it: life is a battle we are engaging in. We either let it defeat us, or we rise and continually prove to be the victors in managing and directing our own life.

"I... like to think of David as the righteous lad who had the courage and the faith to face insurmountable odds when all other's hesitated, and to redeem the name of Israel by facing that giant in his life - Goliath of Gath." President, Thomas S. Monson.


What Goliath stands between us and our happiness? 

The story of David and Goliath is a very profound story of facing one's greatest enemy. The courage to stand alone with only a simple weapon at hand. With faith in Israel's God, David stood face to face with the giant warrior of the Philistines. A shepherd with only five stones and a sling against a Giant clads in battle armor and brandishing weapons of war. To the onlooker, David appeared foolish. Appeared to be on a suicide mission. Yet, there he stood, a young boy facing the greatest enemy of his people. As the account goes, David not only slays Goliath, but he also decapitates the giant's head.

Many people, today, face their Goliath. Whether it is substance use, abuse, traumatic experiences from childhood, rejection, broken-heart, death, or any other significant loss. Armed with only simple means of defending oneself proves to be vital in our fight to continue to endure and overcome our own obstacles in life.