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An individual posted content from the Ex-Mormons for Jesus November/December 2023 Newsletter, sparking a discussion on the challenges of Christian evangelism to Latter-day Saint Christians. As a non-profit Christian evangelistic organization, Ex-Mormons for Jesus appears to be dedicated to teaching fellowship and evangelism to those who are current members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, individuals who are questioning their faith, or those who have left their faith: in the hopes of helping them find saving grace in Jesus Christ.
The first is to win as many Mormons to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ as He may give us increase. We affirm that Christians and Mormons worship at completely different altars; that Mormonism has a "different Jesus, a different Spirit and a different gospel" (2 Cor. 11:4).
The Facebook post (dated December 16, 2023) appears to be a letter written to an unknown individual. In this letter, it appears the writer briefly describes their personal experience in taking up a challenge regarding the Latter-day Saint Christian Faith, reading of the Book of Mormon, and drawing to a personal conclusion.
In responding to "The Challenge," it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and understanding, recognizing the deeply personal nature of religious beliefs and the journey of leaving one faith for another. It may be beneficial to consider the perspective of those still within the Latter-day Saint community and the unique perspectives when considering alternatives to their long-held beliefs. With a commitment to love, empathy, and respect, those engaging with content from any Evangelical Christian, and specifically counter-cult ministries, can strive to counter false teachings and provide a source of support for individuals seeking answers and guidance.
As members of the Latter-day Saint Christian community, it's vital to approach the discussion with the intention of revealing the truth in a respectful and non-confrontational manner. A key focus should be on the provision of accurate information and resources that seek to gently expose false teachings and offer a compassionate path forward. By upholding these principles, individuals can partake in building bridges and fostering dialogue rather than perpetuating division or animosity.
Mormons are urged to challenge prospective converts to "honestly" investigate the truth of their church.
Members of the LDS Faith do not challenge individuals; rather, they are encouraged to follow the example of Christ, who ministered to individuals with love and understanding. This approach emphasizes the importance of inviting individuals through personal and heartfelt connections. One way to extend this invitation is to encourage individuals to read the Book of Mormon and to apply its principles into their daily lives. This can be done through offering a copy of the book, discussing its teachings, and sharing personal experiences of how it has impacted one's life.
Another way to extend an invitation is to invite individuals to attend LDS services and to speak with missionaries. This provides an opportunity for individuals to learn about faith firsthand and to ask any questions they may have. Additionally, members can extend an invitation by providing services to those in need, as Christ often did. This can be through acts of kindness, volunteering, or providing support in times of difficulty. It also includes praying with individuals, offering comfort, and showing that they are not alone.
By ministering to individuals in a genuine and caring manner, members of the LDS Faith can create a welcoming and inviting environment. This can include extending an invitation to experience the love and teachings of Christ through personal connections and acts of service. It involves fostering an atmosphere of inclusion and support, where individuals feel valued and respected. Through these efforts, members can exemplify Christ's love and demonstrate the positive impact of living according to the principles of the LDS Faith.
Under the INTRODUCTION in the Book of Mormon this invitation is given: "We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if the book is true..."
One of the common tendencies of counter-cult ministries is to try to quote from LDS Sources. Unfortunately, their attempt falls short. Here is the full quote of the Introduction page to the Book of Mormon:
We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moroni 10:3–5.)
According to Moroni 10:3 we are to first remember how merciful the Lord has been unto the children of men throughout human history. His grace and long suffering towards us are beyond measure. As Moroni 10:3 in the Book of Mormon reminds us, "Remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things and ponder it in your hearts." It is important for us to reflect on and internalize the abundant mercy and love that God has shown to humanity. In doing so, we can better comprehend the depth of His compassion and be filled with gratitude for His everlasting kindness.
The Lord's mercy upon humanity is evident in the countless blessings and opportunities He has bestowed upon us. Despite our shortcomings and sins, His patience and forgiveness continue to sustain us. Through His mercy, we are given the chance to repent, grow, and strive for a better life. By pondering on the Lord's mercy, we can acknowledge our own weaknesses and imperfections, leading us to turn to Him for strength and guidance. It is through this reflection and spiritual introspection that we can fully appreciate the depth of God's mercy upon us.
As we remember the Lord's mercy upon humanity, we are reminded of our responsibility to show that same mercy and compassion towards others. Just as God has shown patience and forgiveness to us, we are called to extend the same love and understanding to those around us. By recognizing and appreciating the magnitude of God's mercy, we are inspired to emulate His compassion in our interactions with others, creating a more loving and empathetic society. Let us, therefore, continue to reflect on the Lord's mercy and grace, and seek to embody these qualities in our own lives, uplifting and supporting those around us as we have been uplifted and supported by our loving Heavenly Father.
Moroni's exhortation in Moroni 10:4 emphasizes the importance of approaching God with sincerity and real intent. This advice aligns with the teaching of Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:7-8, where believers are encouraged to ask, seek, and knock in order to receive answers from God. Moroni's emphasis on sincerity and real intent underscores the significance of having a genuine and earnest desire to seek personal revelation from our Heavenly Father. This approach is fundamental in cultivating a meaningful and authentic relationship with God, as it reflects a heart and mind that are open and receptive to receiving spiritual guidance.
In addition to emphasizing sincerity and real intent, Moroni's exhortation also underscores the need to have faith in Jesus Christ. This faith is the foundation upon which believers can approach God with the confidence that He will answer their prayers according to His will. By exercising faith in Jesus Christ, individuals can access the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, which can guide them in their quest for personal revelation and spiritual understanding. Moroni's teaching serves as a reminder that faith in Jesus Christ is essential in facilitating a deeper connection with God and in receiving divine guidance.
Ultimately, Moroni's exhortation encourages individuals to seek personal revelation from God through the power of the Holy Spirit. By approaching the Lord with sincerity, real intent, and faith in Jesus Christ, believers can open themselves to the influence of the Holy Spirit and receive the spiritual insight they seek. This approach aligns with the principle of seeking God's will and wisdom in all aspects of life, knowing that the Holy Spirit can provide comfort, guidance, and understanding as individuals earnestly seek to align their lives with God's plan.
Orson Pratt, an early Mormon apostle, stated the following regarding the Book of Mormon: "This book must be either true or false. If false, it is one of the most cunning, wicked, bold, deep laid impositions ever palmed upon the world... The nature of the Book of Mormon is such that, if true, no one can possibly be saved and reject it: if false, no one can possibly be saved and receive it." (DIVINE AUTHORITY OF THE BOOK OF MORMON, Introduction) these types of challenges and statements give the appearance of confidence and security in the veracity of Mormonism. However, what if after a rigid examination you find it to be false?
Regarding the above quote from the Works of Orson Pratt, one notices the peculiar attempt to establish a solid foundation to work from. Here is the quote in full context:
The Book of Mormon claims to be a divinely inspired record, written by a succession of prophets who inhabited ancient America. It professes to be revealed to the present generation for the salvation of all who will receive it, and for the overthrow and damnation of all nations who reject it.
This book must be either true or false. If true, it is one of the most important messages ever sent from God to man, affecting both the temporal and eternal interests of every people under heaven to the same extent and in the same degree that the message of Noah affected the inhabitants of the old world. If false, it is one of the most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid impositions ever palmed upon the world, calculated to deceive and ruin millions of lives who ill sincerely receive it as the word of God, and will suppose themselves securely built upon the rock of truth until they are plunged with their families into hopeless despair.
The nature of the Book of Mormon is such, that if true, no one can possibly be saved and reject it; if false, no one can possibly be saved and receive it. Therefore, every soul in all the world is equally interested in ascertaining its truth or falsity. In a matter of such infinite importance no person should rest satisfied with the conjectures or opinions of others: he should use every exertion himself to become acquainted with het nature of the message: he should carefully examine the evidences of which it is offered to the world: he should, with all patience and perseverance, seek to acquire certain knowledge whether it be of God or not: Without such an investigation in the most careful candid, and impartial manner, he cannot safely judge without greatly hazarding his future and eternal welfare. (Orson Pratt’s Works: Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon – Introduction, p. 107;)
Again, this appears to be a simple attempt of cherry-picking to manipulate the context of the quoted text to reflect something different than from the actual context. While it is agreeable to understand that the statement bears record on whether the Book of Mormon holds truth and validity as divinely inspired, or false and unprofitable; there is much more depth and meaning given by the full context. The question, therefore, is regarding the message of the Book of Mormon and not the Book itself. One is to carefully consider the message of what the Book of Mormon presents. This is the very core of the invitation of Moroni and is the ongoing invitation to all: To read and ponder its message carefully.
Following is a letter from a sincere investigator to his LDS friend after two years of research. We pray it will encourage you to reach your LDS friends and loved ones who are deceived!
There is danger in making this type of hasty generalization conclusion. In fact, it is a logical fallacy employed here to lead the reader to a biased and prejudicial conclusion.
Dear _______: I wanted to take this time to reveal my final decision on a journey and quest that began the moment your mission commenced. Our friendship has been overwhelming, inspiring and a joy in my life. You are an awesome person whom I love and respect and equally your family as well. How blessed you are. Thank you for your kindness and warmth and all you have done to contribute to my humanity. I value you and your family more than you could ever realize.
Since the post from Ex-Mormons for Jesus already established a faulty premise and logical fallacy (Begging the Question): This letter appears to open with genuine sincerity.
I investigated the church with an attitude at full throttle after L's baptism. It was an inspiring event that I shall never forget. Your father challenged me to look into the church sincerely after I expressed the joy of that moment, so I did.
It seems the effort of this person’s investigation into the Restored Gospel involved an attitude of intense effort, enthusiasm, and/or commitment. This appears to be an attempt to confirm a sense of power, urgency, and full utilization of one’s effort in their investigation.
As you may be aware I have been extremely dissatisfied with the state of religion in our world today. I shared those thoughts with your dad and the elders. This attitude allowed me the freedom to sincerely look into the church that appeared to me to be very, very family oriented and friendly and kind and pure.
It may be of interest to understand and know what this individual’s dissatisfaction with the state of religion in our world today is like. Also, while it is agreeable that the Latter-day Saint faith is quite family oriented, friendly, kind, and pure – there is much more to the Restored Gospel. Again, may be helpful to know what the dissatisfactions are the person is referring too.
I was open as I read and viewed films and attended conferences and services and studies and meetings of all kinds, plays, concerts, home studies and numerous sessions with the elders. I loved it all. I was learning and praying and asking the Lord sincerely regarding the truth of the church. I had visions, dreams and restless nights. Now I know the truth and am ready to reveal to you my findings after the most sincere investigation I have ever embarked upon regarding any religion.
Another ambiguous statement. What were the films viewed, what types of conferences did this individual attend? What type of services are they referring to? What are all kinds of studies and meetings is this individual referring to? What types of plays and concerts? What types of home studies? The last one appears to refer to meeting with the missionaries and taking the missionary discussions.
Despite the ambiguity in the statement, it appears this is more of a set up based on the understanding of the phrase: Now I know the truth and am ready to reveal to you my findings after most sincere investigation this individual claimed as their own personal journey in the search for truth.
After much fasting and praying and reading and research, without any interference from outside sources, other than the Lord, I have been informed by the Holy Spirit that this is not the true church of our Lord and in fact it is a very dangerous and craftily devised doctrine of deception. I know this sounds harsh, but I cannot delay the inevitable. I know that it is difficult to hear this because you believe it so strongly, but I have to be honest. Truth isn't truth because we believe anything or have testimonies of events. It is true that every religion on the planet has testimonies and experiences that are supernatural, but the devil is a supernatural being so it isn't the supernatural or feelings that verify the truth. It has to be something deeper than our own personal experience. I have never accepted the Lord based on my experiences or feelings, for I realize that my trust is in Him and not in my own heart or mind.
There appears a glaring contradiction here. First, the individual claims to have done much research. Yet, appears to claim that there was no outside interference or influence. Second, the claim that only the Lord revealed to this individual the Restored Gospel is being described as very dangerous and craftily devised doctrines of deceptions.
Let us go back to Moroni 10:3-5. If we continue to read further, one finds this in vv. 6-7:
And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is. And ye may know that he is by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.
It is quite common for many critics of the Latter-day Saint Christian faith to make a testimony whereby they declare the message of the Book of Mormon being false. They deny its message, denounce Joseph Smith as a prophet of God, and claim that it teaches false doctrines. Some even go so far as to say that it is demonic and satanic.
Such claims may appear quite sincere and genuine (as we see here) or they are outlandish, brass, crude, and quite disrespectful. At the end of the day, these types of “testimonies” do nothing more than deny Christ and deny the power of God. An arrogant and prideful attitude that is more dangerous than potential heresy and false doctrine.
I read the book that Barry Bickmore wrote called "Restoring the Ancient Church". The book was given to me by my friend Elder Livingston. After reading the book it was the single most conclusive vehicle that Jesus used to speak to me about the church and what it stands for. I was amazed at how easily and rapidly the Lord began to tie the loose ends I have been wrestling with. This book answered all my questions and the unique thing about it is that it was from and authorized by the church. It was the most convincing material I had ever read as to what the church really is and what it believes. This book opened my eyes as to the depth of deception that is woven into the Mormon church.
Barry Bickmore’s book, Restoring the Ancient Church is one of many works regarding the topic of Christianity, Apostasy, and restoration. If this individual truly read this work, what are some of the issues referred to as having answered all their questions? What loose ends is this person referring to? Again, quite ambiguous here. Yet, the letter appears to make the same conclusion: the LDS church is wrong and deceitful. There is no evidence to support this assertion and claim. There is no question being asked, addressed, and properly answered. It appears this is another hasty generalization as an attempt to hopefully lead the reader to the same conclusion.
I am so sorry that you have bought into it, and I am sorry that your church has a form of godliness but denies the true essence of the pure, non-divisive gospel truth. I love you and will pray that one day you will investigate other churches and their reasons why they are not LDS members, as vigorously as I have laid my preconceived beliefs on the table for you. ... I love LDS and will always love them. I now have a mission to help bring the truth to others about LDS and what the true church really represents. It hurts me to know that people I love so deeply are so wrapped up in this, but God will have those responsible answer to Him for deceiving innocent lambs like yourself...
The supposed writer of this letter appears to move from genuine sincerity to the heart of the issue. The faux apology is noteworthy as well. One telling aspect of this is the writer references their preconceived beliefs. Otherwise known as confirmation bias where this individual may have slipped in revealing that they may have interpreted any evidence for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the message of the Book of Mormon, from their own existing beliefs. Already possessing their own understanding and notions that it was false – thereby leading to the conclusion they already held.
The writer seems to have their own preconceived idea and reveals their true intent. They want to show that they see the LDS Church as false and heretical, which is a common view among some critics of the LDS Faith. Despite appearing to genuinely care about Latter-day Saint Christians, their real goal is to undermine individual testimonies, create doubt, and use manipulation to persuade others to share their viewpoint.
Please, my friend, seek Jesus with all your heart and His words, not those of men and prophets who can be misled... It is so freeing to belong to God and not a man-made organization. If you seek the truth, instead of seeking to defend what you believe, as I have, you will come to the same conclusions I have. I know that without a doubt. I love you and Dad and the whole family. Never, ever forget or doubt that. Thanks.
Again, we see the intent and hope is that by sowing seeds of doubt, Latter-day Saint Christians may hopefully come to the same conclusion – that the LDS Church is not of God. The writer employs another typical tactic of our critics through invitation to “seek Jesus” and forgo following any wise counsel of general authorities. Another interesting component is this individual undermines any reasonable attempt an individual has in defending their own faith and testimony. Instead, the writer desires their readers to draw the same conclusion they have.
Based on examining this post, the supposed sincerity and genuineness of this letter, and the content of the letter itself – one may see that it really does nothing to promote any faithful and honest engagement in the ongoing discussion between Latter-day Saint Christians and Evangelicals.
Yes, we are to question and challenge anything: This includes any criticisms – no matter how sincere or genuine they may appear – against the LDS Church. Without any evidence presented, one may find it quite difficult to come to the same conclusion as the writer (or those promoting Ex-Mormons for Jesus) have appeared to come to.
Here is my invitation: If you have any sincere questions regarding the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ? Want to know what the message is that the Book of Mormon presents. I invite you to leave a comment with your question. This requires a willingness to consider all information with the openness regarding the possibility of changing your view on things – to include the Book of Mormon and the LDS teachings. Willing to engage in simple rules of discussion regarding your question. Not introducing other questions that have no relevance to the initial question, and a willingness to accept the response that has the better supporting information and no longer using any argument, criticism, or asking the same question going forward.