Sunday, January 14, 2018

Let Us Nourish and Fortify Our Faith in these Last Days


To strengthen our testimonies and protect ourselves from error, we must constantly nourish and fortify our faith

We are in a unique time period of human mortality. The days seem to be growing shorter and shorter. Hearts of men are beginning to fail. News reports are full of human tragedies and events that leave us questioning human nature and human compassion. Some are even proclaiming that we are now in the end of days where scoffers are becoming more prominent in the marketplace. Any form of religious conviction, or a symbol of religious identity is being tarnished and condemned.

The ideas of men, the philosophy of the world, and the wisdom of self-identity is becoming more and more prominent in the thoughts and hearts of each person. Selfish desires and attainment are more popular than selfless acts of service and love. To say the least, we are at war with the wisdom and philosophy of men. In this war, sides are being chosen. Where one decides to stand is where one’s allegiance and devotion will prevail and direct their paths.


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