Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Defending Religious Freedom: The Battle Against Secular Agendas


Have you ever wondered why the Progressive Left can sometimes feel more like a modern abolitionist movement? While the original abolitionists fought against the monstrous institution of slavery, the Progressive Left today seems bent on abolishing something just as fundamental: religious freedom. This isn't just some abstract political debate; it's a real and present threat to our way of life, particularly for Latter-day Saints and Evangelical Christians.

The Progressive Left's agenda pushes for changes that undermine religious liberties, attempting to replace faith-based values with secular ideologies. As believers, we must recognize this challenge and respond with unwavering faith and resilience. Today, it's more crucial than ever to raise the Title of Liberty, reinforcing our dedication to Christ and our commitment to protect religious freedom in America. Let's stand firm and safeguard the liberties that allow us to practice our faith openly and without fear.


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