We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ ...
~ Fourth Article of Faith of the LDS Church ~
Nature of Faith - The predominating sense in which the term faith is used throughout the scriptures is that of full confidence and trust in the being, purposes, and words of God. Such trust, if implicit, will remove all doubt concerning things accomplished or promised of God, even though such things be not apparent to or explicable by the ordinary senses of mortality; hence arises the definition of faith given by Paul: "Now faith is the substance [i.e., confidence, or assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence [i.e., the demonstration or proof] of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) It is plain that such a feeling of trust may exist in different persons in varying degrees; indeed, faith may manifest itself from the incipient state which is little more than feeble belief, scarcely free from hesitation and fear, to the strength of abiding confidence that sets doubt and sophistry at defiance.
Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage

Articles of Faith is considered one of the classics in Latter-day Saint literature. It is the outgrowth of a series of lectures in theology given by Dr. James E. Talmage, commencing in 1893. At that time Dr. Talmage was serving as president of the LDS College in Salt Lake City. The First Presidency of the Church invited Dr. Talmage to prepare a text for use in Church schools and religion classes.
First published in 1899, Articles of Faith has since been published in thirteen foreign languages and has been through more than fifty English editions. This volume, together with Jesus the Christ, sets forth Elder Talmage's testimony of the Savior and of the Church which bears his name.
Faith is integral to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without faith, there is no inheritance or spiritual blessing. There is no mercy or grace. And there is no peace of the soul when times of adversity comes upon us. It is the very reason it is the foundational principle of truth laid out throughout all of scripture. Without faith, the ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ become meaningless and without purpose. They are mere mechanical rituals performed with no evidence of transformation and change. Faith gives us the reason to walk in obedience to the teachings of the Gospel of Christ, living out the will of God daily, and to enter into an intimate relationship with our Savior and our Heavenly Father.
Prior to describing the armor of God that every Christian is to put on, the Apostle Paul requests that one become strong in the Lord and in the might of his strength (Ephesians 6:10). What does it mean to become strong in the Lord and in the might of His strength? Through our faith in Christ, we strengthen the inner man in order to stand firm during times of adversity and personal battles. Through faith, we gain courage to face life on life terms and endure in a way to overcome as Christ overcame.
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