Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Need to Love God - Our Greatest Commandment


To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all-consuming and all-encompassing. It is no lukewarm endeavor. It is total commitment of our very being - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - to love of the Lord.

What is the greatest commandment? When the Sadducee's challenged Christ on the doctrine of resurrection, and he responded to their inquiry, the pharisee's were present and discussed among themselves how to engage in challenging Jesus. The Pharisee's maintained that one must fulfill all the Mosaic and Levitical laws of the Jewish heritage and religion. A lawyer approaches and posits this question: Of all the commandments God has given, which of them is the greatest commandment? 


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

3 Key Elements of Spiritual Growth for Authentic Christian Living


Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

In the whirlwind of modern life, many Christians yearn for a deeper, more authentic relationship with God. But how do we nurture that spiritual growth that is so crucial for genuine Christian living? Understanding the key elements of spiritual growth is essential for developing a strong, unwavering faith that can withstand life's trials and tribulations.

By focusing on pivotal aspects such as deepening our love for others, cultivating a hatred for sin, and nurturing a hunger for truth, we can transform our spiritual journey. These elements not only bring us closer to God but also help us live out our faith in tangible, impactful ways. This post will explore these three key elements, providing insights and practical tips to help you grow spiritually and live authentically as a Christian.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Adversity Strengthens Authentic Latter-day Saint Christian Life [2 Nephi 2:11]

Photo by x ) on Unsplash


For it must needs be, there is an opposition in all things ~ 2 Nephi 2:11

... it is as necessary that we should have difficulties to contend with, in order to make intelligent provision for our spiritual concerns, as it is that we should have the winter frosts and stormy weather to enable us to make discreet provision for our temporal necessities.

(Benefits of Opposition: Richards, Franklin D. Provo, Utah April 4, 1886).

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Let Us Nourish and Fortify Our Faith in these Last Days


To strengthen our testimonies and protect ourselves from error, we must constantly nourish and fortify our faith

We are in a unique time period of human mortality. The days seem to be growing shorter and shorter. Hearts of men are beginning to fail. News reports are full of human tragedies and events that leave us questioning human nature and human compassion. Some are even proclaiming that we are now in the end of days where scoffers are becoming more prominent in the marketplace. Any form of religious conviction, or a symbol of religious identity is being tarnished and condemned.

The ideas of men, the philosophy of the world, and the wisdom of self-identity is becoming more and more prominent in the thoughts and hearts of each person. Selfish desires and attainment are more popular than selfless acts of service and love. To say the least, we are at war with the wisdom and philosophy of men. In this war, sides are being chosen. Where one decides to stand is where one’s allegiance and devotion will prevail and direct their paths.